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Your Life, Structured

A self-organizing personal database for you

Jim James

I have ADHD, which makes it difficult to organize notes. I made dentropy so that I could write notes with zero friction. Just write, let dentropy figure out how to organize it. It understands what you say and automatically links it to everything else that you've had on your mind.

Tim Kellogg - CEO of dentropy

Capture thoughts. Stream of conciousness.

Capture notes. Tidbits you learned. Observations. Anything, dentropy will take care of organizing it.

Notes, blogs, wikis, podcasts, etc.


Dentropy finds the structure

It finds the people, places and ideas, and how they're related to each other.


A database of all your facts

Dentropy merges learned facts into a larger database, a record of all you know. This knowledge graph database can make non-obvious inferences about the world.


Ask questions

Use an AI like ChatGPT to ask questions. Answers are grounded in Dentropy's database and always about your learned experiences.


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